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Cedarville Insights provides answers to your pressing questions about Microsoft Word, Excel, 和演示文稿, as well as college undergraduate and graduate programs, 神学和哲学问题, 以及通用信息.

Top 5 Reasons to Choose a Christian 研究生 School


There are a lot of good options for graduate schools. 作为一个基督的跟随者,是吗 important to choose a Christian university? Shouldn’t fields like business, nursing, pharmacy be the same anywhere? 事实证明,它们并非如此.

Learn 5 reasons to consider a Christian university for graduate school.


张贴在 工商管理硕士 MMin MSN PharmD

创新与创业工商管理硕士 Answers "Why?工程师

My mechanical engineering 学位 gave me the tools I needed to bring value to the field, but I never developed a passion for the coursework. Industry tends to push engineers into project management for their logical thinking and skill with numbers. I knew I wasn’t where I wanted to be and felt unprepared for the business demands of project management. Rarely satisfied with my career, I felt trapped by the decisions of a naïve 18-year-old.


张贴在 创业 创新硕士 工商管理硕士

你知道吗?? 关于硕士学位的事实

一群面向舞台的毕业生Did you know 那 工作 那 require a master’s 学位 at an entry-level are projected to grow by 15% between 2019 to 2029? Or 那 nearly 2/3 of students finishing a baccalaureate 学位 plan to complete a master’s 学位? How about 那 nearly 1/4 of master's 学位 recipients in 2018-19 were underrepresented minorities, giving them a critical pathway to job security and higher pay?


张贴在 运动训练硕士 工商管理硕士 MDiv MMin MSN PharmD

8 Reasons to Pursue an 工商管理硕士 From a Christian University

There are a lot of options 当 choosing an 工商管理硕士. As a follower of Christ, is it really 那 important to choose an 工商管理硕士 从 a Christian university? 哪里的生意不都一样吗? 事实证明并非如此.

Read about 8 reasons why it's important to choose a Christian university as you pursue an 工商管理硕士.


张贴在 工商管理硕士



根据…  麦肯锡 高管调查, 84% acknowledged 那 the future success of their companies will depend on innovation. 那 makes sense if you accept the most basic definitions of innovation: the activity of new ideas, 产品, 和流程. 

企业面临的问题, 创业公司, 个体户, 公司, 部门, educational institutions all face is 那 problems have become more complex and the timelines to address change is shorter than...


张贴在 创新硕士 工商管理硕士


The need for better cybersecurity is becoming more evident every day. One way cyber professionals are protecting our online information is by using adversarial thinking. Adversarial thinking requires understanding the technological capabilities of potential h ackers and being able to anticipate where, 当, 以及它们如何攻击.

In a lecture titled “Introduction to 网络安全的对抗性思维" as part of a Foundations of Computer Security Course, 沙巴体育的博士. Seth Hamman explains adversarial thinking, 为什么它对网络安全很重要, and how to improve adversarial thinking skills.


张贴在 工商管理硕士

Business Ethics and a Christian Worldview

We live in a time 当 ethics in business are sorely lacking. You don’t have to look far in the news to find stories of fraud or unscrupulous behavior. Simply put, the definition of ethics is the study of what is morally right or wrong. But what does it mean to have Christian ethics in business? 作为基督徒, we are called to a higher standard: We should seek to go beyond what is just morally right to biblical ethics, behaving in such a way 那 the Bible requires. 作为基督徒, our business ethics are framed by our worldview and should be an outpouring of living out our faith.


张贴在 工商管理硕士

Cybersecurity: Our Generation's Cold War

网络威胁每天都在增加. How secure is your organization's data online? 你准备好迎接下一次袭击了吗?

Cedarville University's Center for the Advancement of Cybersecurity, 由博士领导. Seth Hamman, hosted a panel discussion, "Cybersecurity: Our Generation's Cold War," with guests Dr. Richard Harknett 从 the University of Cincinnati and Klon Kitchen 从 the American Enterprise Institute.


张贴在 工商管理硕士

Pandemic Leads to More Self-Employed Americans

根据… recent eNews put out by the Wall Street Journal, the number of self-employed Americans has grown by 6% since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 现在有9个.44 million unincorporated self-employed workers. 越来越多的人 are striking out on their own to achieve flexibility and leave the confinements of corporate America.

If you’ve considered joining this growing group of self-starters, an 创新与创业工商管理硕士 从 Cedarville University can help you get there!


张贴在 工商管理硕士


Man standing in front of business meetingA recent Wall Street Journal article reported 那 this year’s Master of Business Administration graduates are experiencing $5,我的工资比去年增加了000英镑. According to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, the median salary for 2021 工商管理硕士 graduates has risen to $155,000. And 99% of graduates seeking employment received an offer. 现在是开始读工商管理硕士的好时机!


张贴在 工商管理硕士