One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Student singing and playing guitar on stage



在进入敬拜课程之前,所有预备敬拜学生都需要申请. 试镜的目的是评估你作为敬拜学生的潜在成功,以及你是否会被录取到系里攻读敬拜学位.



  • Completed junior year of high school
  • 提交ted 招生程序 到沙巴体育
  • Declared worship as their major
  • Intending to complete the worship degree at Cedarville


The application process consists of four components: essay, 个人面试, 音乐试听, 以及个人推荐. All four components must be completed before your admission is approved.


这篇文章将是2-3页双倍行距(大约500-750字),这将有助于我们了解你,并让我们看到你的写作样本. The topics that you should address are: Why are you interested in studying worship? 为什么斯德维尔? What are your career goals at this point in your life? What 部门的经验s have you had? Your essay must be uploaded with your worship audition application.


个人面试的目的是帮助我们更好地了解您,并能够与您进行个人互动. The interview can be part of your on-campus 音乐试听. 你应该穿着得体,准备好与老师就你的论文进行交流.


所有敬拜的学生最终都需要精通声音和钢琴或吉他. To help evaluate your strengths and abilities, you will sing and play either piano or guitar as part of your audition. 你应该准备两份关于你最强表现领域的选择,一份关于其他领域的简短选择. You will also be asked to sight-read vocally and instrumentally.


你需要由两个人推荐,他们能够根据你的音乐能力对你进行评估, 部门的经验, 精神上的成熟. Suggested references include pastor, worship leader, youth pastor, or music teacher.

所有想在沙巴体育主修音乐的学生都必须在他们的主要表演区域完成一次试镜. 试镜为音乐学院提供了一个机会来衡量你作为音乐专业学生的潜在成功,并决定你是否会被音乐系录取去攻读音乐学位. 有资格 音乐奖学金, you must audition no later than our last scheduled audition date.



  • Complete junior year of high school
  • 提交  招生程序 到沙巴体育
  • Declare music as their major and intend to complete a  音乐学位 在雪松维尔大学


Students must sing and play piano or guitar. 你应该选择这三个领域中的一个作为你的主要工具,另一个作为你的次要工具. 声音被认为是一种乐器,必须是你的主要或次要乐器.


  • Performance of 两个选择 on your 主要仪器
  • Performance of a brief selection on your 二次仪表
  • Sight-reading on your 主要仪器
  • 面试

我们鼓励学生 accompany themselves, 使用倒轨, bring an accompanist or request one. If you require one and do not have one available, please make a request for one on your audition form online. 你也可以自己唱歌和演奏来证明你对主要和次要乐器的熟练程度.


Students auditioning with voice as their 主要仪器 应该准备 两个记忆 selections of contrasting nature such as a hymn, 古典艺术歌曲, 百老汇, CCM, 福音歌曲, 或当代敬拜歌.

Students auditioning with voice as their 二次仪表 应该准备一首你选择的歌曲,比如一首当代敬拜歌曲或赞美诗吗.


  • Sight-read a melodic line a capella
  • Sing back a series of pitches to test your tonal memory


Students auditioning with piano as their 主要仪器 应该准备 两个对比的选择 to play using the following guidelines:

  • 一首表演曲目,如古典曲目、百老汇标准曲、爵士曲目等.
  • 一首宗教乐曲,如赞美诗编曲、福音乐曲、CCM或敬拜歌曲
  • 我们鼓励学生 凭记忆玩


  • 钢琴学生也应该准备以中等的速度演奏大调(在4个升调和4个降调之间) 
  • Sight-reading a piece of medium difficulty at sight
  • 按和弦图演奏

Students auditioning with piano as their 二次仪表 应该准备好通过表演他们选择的一小段来展示他们的能力吗.


  • 按和弦图演奏


Students auditioning with guitar as their 主要仪器 应该准备 两个选择 of contrasting nature using the following guidelines. 我们鼓励学生 凭记忆玩.

  • Selections should include several playing different guitar techniques, 比如抠手指, 独奏, 来弹 
  • 古典,爵士,摇滚,蓝调和当代基督教音乐风格都是受欢迎的


  • 学生将被要求以中等速度演奏大调和五声音阶(在4个降音阶和4个升音阶之间) 
  • Students will be asked to sight-read a melody
  • Play triads in different places on the neck
  • 按和弦图演奏

Students auditioning with guitar as their 二次仪表 应该准备好通过表演他们选择的一小段来展示他们的能力吗. 


  • 按和弦图演奏


居住在300英里以内的申请人优先考虑并要求进行校园试镜. If a recorded audition is necessary, 请将视频上传到视频托管平台,如YouTube或Vimeo,使用与校园海选相同的指导方针:

  1. 请在演奏前宣布每首曲目,并在曲目之间留出足够的休息时间.
  2. Recordings should be prepared with great care. If you cannot have the recording made professionally, be sure to locate the best equipment, acoustical situation and personal assistance possible.
  3. The recording should not be edited or spliced.

您的视频链接应通过电子邮件发送到Cedarville大学音乐和敬拜系 Deadline for recorded auditions is on or before the last scheduled audition date.


All worship students must study music theory as part of their course work. 一些学生学习音乐理论作为他们所采取的私人课程或在他们的高中音乐课程的一部分. Other students have had no prior music theory experience, which is not required for admission to the program.

我们为有音乐理论背景的敬拜学生提供理论入学考试, 相信自己能通过“音乐理论与听觉技能入门”这门课的人. This can save the student time and money. “通过考试获得学分”的标准可在现行的学术目录中找到.

参加这个测试是 可选 为崇拜学生,但没有惩罚参加和不成功. It is offered on audition days and during Getting Started week. Topics covered on the exam include keys, scales, intervals, etc. 以及简单的听觉概念.

你可以通过购买音乐理论入门教材,并通过自己的材料来准备理论入学考试. Introductory texts usually include titles such as 音乐理论概论音乐基础理论, or 音乐理论基础. 真正有用的文本是 Basic Materials in Music Theory: A Program Course 保罗·奥. 困难.

As you prepare, you should become very familiar with the following topics:

  • 基本乐谱规则
  • Major and minor key signatures
  • 相对键和平行键
  • 简单的节拍和节奏
  • Major and three minor scale forms
  • Basic interval spelling and recognition (up through the octave)


Dr. 罗杰·O 'Neel
(937) 766-7728



Before scheduling your audition, 在“试镜要求”选项卡中仔细阅读您的学习领域下的个人要求.

  • 2024年11月8日,星期五 — Early scholarship decision available this date only.
  • 2025年2月17日,星期一
  • 星期五,2025年3月14日 — Last audition day to be eligible for music/worship scholarship consideration.
  • 其他日期 — By permission of the music office only; see note below.

希望参加试听的学生应至少提交在线试听申请 two weeks prior to the date they wish to audition.

These audition days are designed especially for you! You will enjoy a complimentary breakfast and lunch, 参加教堂, 认识现在的敬拜学生, 参加理论分班考试, attend a special concert during the noon hour, 你的父母可以 take part in a Financial Aid meeting. We highly encourage you to schedule your audition on one of these dates.

注意: 如果您在一个专门的试镜日期无法访问校园,我们可以为您提供住宿. In these cases, please email the 音乐与敬拜系 with your desired audition date(s). You will receive an email stating either that your desired date has been approved or that you need to choose another date. 请注意,特别安排的试镜只在工作日(星期一至星期五)进行. 如果您希望获得部门奖学金,则必须在最后一次试镜日期之前完成试镜.

如果旅行距离(300英里以上)使你无法进行校园试镜, you may submit a video audition. 录制的试镜必须在最后一次试镜日期之前收到,才能被考虑为部门奖学金. 请 refer to the "录音试镜说明" on the 试镜的需求 页面或  联系 the Department of Music and 敬拜 if 你还有问题吗?.

如果您已按照申请确认电子邮件中的要求提交了试镜信息表,则当天活动的时间表将在试镜日之前大约两周通过电子邮件发送给您. It is imperative that we have a working email that is checked daily, 因为这是我们联系你的方法,关于你的试镜和任何其他相关信息.

RECORDED AUDITIONS must also complete the audition application form. 请使用“安排您的试镜”按钮到达试镜申请并完成它.
