One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

作者:Grant McCurdy, Simon Yeh, Kyle Darwin, Courtney (Potter) Nicholl和Sean Kisch

Like students in other artistic disciplines, music majors are often asked the question, “What do you want to do with your degree?" At Cedarville, the Department of Music and Worship answers: “What can't you do?" From worship leadership to music pedagogy, from soundtrack composition to performance in recording groups, 乐队, 和管弦乐队, 沙巴体育音乐和敬拜专业的毕业生在音乐行业工作,并以强大的方式为主发光. 继续读下去,看看雪松维尔最近的五位音乐和敬拜毕业生今天在做什么,以及雪松维尔如何装备他们以卓越的方式活出他们的呼召.


Grant McCurdy ’14

我目前在the Village Church in Flower Mound担任敬拜和制作的高级总监, 德州, 在那里我有幸监督一支了不起的工作人员和志愿者团队,并从礼仪和技术的角度规划服务.

我的人际关系, 经历, 雪松维尔大学的教育与我今天的敬拜领袖和我是分不开的. Cedarville's staff, 类, and culture have left an incredible mark on my life which I continue to be so, 非常感激. 我从教堂乐队和HeartSong获得了大量的实践经验, personal mentorship from great men like Jim Cato ’83 and Brandon Waltz ’87, and invaluable biblical teaching throughout my four years on campus.

很难量化在这段时间里发生了多少形成和增长. 在大一开学的前几天,上帝带领我从另一所学校转学, 我无法想象在那个时候忽视他的声音会是多么大的损失. 我很快就会向任何考虑接受高等教育的人推荐沙巴体育,这是一所充满了我爱和尊重的人的优秀学府.


Simon Yeh, 15岁

自2017年以来,我一直是Danny Gokey的萨克斯管/木管乐器演奏家. 自2019年以来,我一直担任萨克斯管和爵士乐研究的兼职教授, directing the jazz band and teaching ear training and music technology 类.

I’m also a producer, composer, and orchestrator. 我的名字是Chris Yeh (Christopher是我的中间名),主要为电影和电视制作音乐,这些音乐可以在Spotify上找到, 苹果的音乐, and other streaming platforms. 以这种身份, I’m also the producer and orchestrator for HEATHER, an up-and-coming Christian artist.

As a student at Cedarville, I had so many opportunities to grow as a musician. I played lead tenor in the big band, principal clarinet in the symphonic band and orchestra, as well as flute in many composition recitals. I was also student director of the jazz band for a year, 帮助我为多年后担任爵士乐队指挥做准备.

在所有这些伟大的演奏机会之上是一个令人惊叹的教师,他们既关心我的音乐成长,也关心我的个人和精神发展. The longer I have been out of school, the more I see and appreciate how important that was to my development. 当我回首往事, 我和Cedarville的直接联系是上帝精心安排的,这让我走上了现在的音乐事业. It's been an amazing ride so far, and I look forward to what the future holds! 在关闭, I'll say this: God is good, and all we have to do is rely on Him fully, then give Him all the credit in all that we do.



I’ve been a saxophonist in the U.S. Army for more than seven years. I’m currently stationed at Fort Moore in Columbus, Georgia. I play in our woodwind sextet, ceremonial band, and marching band. A few times a year, 我们还组织了一个完整的乐队演出,我经常在一个大乐队风格的环境中演出. 我经常演奏男中音萨克斯管和中音萨克斯管,并为10人到20多人的观众表演各种各样的场景,000.

我在沙巴体育的转变之旅深深塑造了我作为一名士兵和领导者的身份. I underwent significant spiritual growth, discovering what it meant to devote myself to Christ and to love sacrificially. The institution's ethos, “For the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ,” resonated with me from the start, affirming my decision to attend. It felt like God calling me, positioning me precisely where I needed to be.

在我的第一次双人独奏和随后的演出中,我与一位萨克斯演奏家合作,教会了我在应变能力和舞台表现方面的宝贵经验. I owe much of my musical development to Dr. 切特·詹金斯,他坚定不移的耐心、善良和高期望推动着我前进. 他的指导不仅磨练了我的技能,也为我进入久负盛名的军乐队铺平了道路. Cedarville University was not just an academic institution to me; it was a crucible of spiritual growth, development of my relationship with Christ, and preparation for the path ahead.


Courtney (Potter) Nicholl ’06, MEd ’16

I live and teach in Kettering, Ohio. I am married to Andrew Nicholl ’05 (BA in church music). We have two kids, Romey (13) and Paisley (11). We serve at Waynesville Community Church.

I teach about 400 students a week in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. We teach integrated 类 that have mainstreamed students who have autism. 在学年期间,我还指导了一个由100名三年级到五年级学生组成的志愿合唱团. 我的学生参加学校和凯特林社区的音乐会.

I will always cherish my time attending Cedarville University. 我在音乐敬拜系和教育系所受的教育,使我成为一名成功的教育家. 音乐系的教授们把我塑造成了今天的音乐家. They instilled a lifelong love for music in me and invested in me as a student. As an educator in the public school system, 感谢沙巴体育帮助我在课堂上坚定了对基督的信仰.



我是洛杉矶JoAnn Kane music Services (JKMS)的音乐抄写员和图书管理员.

JKMS与电影作曲家并肩工作,帮助他们为录制音乐做好准备. My primary role now is coordinating our Live-In-Concert library, which creates and ships shows like Harry Potter, 《沙巴体育》, How to Train Your Dragon, 精灵, 还有很多其他的.

如果不是在沙巴体育接受的训练,我今天就无法胜任我的工作. 音乐技术课程教会了我每天使用符号软件和数字音频工作站的技能. But most of all, I’m grateful for the personal investments of faculty such as Dr. Austin Jaquith, who helped me score my first feature film. 这样的关系帮助我建立了自己的荣誉清单,教会了我一些生活技能,比如如何成为一名有纪律的作家,如何好好休息. 这些同样的关系促进了关于我应该如何在我的工作中反映基督的深入讨论.

尽管我的大部分日常工作都是为其他作曲家服务,而不是我自己的创作, I see all of my daily tasks — organizing notes on the page, 创建模型, or preparing live performances — as worthy of the highest level of excellence. I love that the word “service” is in the name JoAnn Kane Music Service. 我在锡达维尔的时光激励着我向那个呼召靠拢——把每一个线索和每一场音乐会都看作是展示基督仆人之心的机会


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