
by 玛赛拉浏览器 – 2023年11月24日

高中刚毕业就选择专业可能会让人望而生畏. 玛赛拉浏览器, 初等教育专业, found herself in this position 和 eventually discovered her calling in Cedarville's education program. 在她的文章中, 她分享了自己作为教育专业学生的经历, 突出结构化的课程作业, 动手的机会, 强大的支持系统. See how Cedarville's education programs equip students to make a meaningful impact for Christ in their careers 和 communities.

下面的文章是一篇从Cedarville's捕获的学生作品 学生生活博客. Enjoy this firsth和 account written by junior primary education major 玛赛拉浏览器, 和 see how Cedarville's distinctly Christian approach to education is making an impact!

在一所有超过175个学习领域的大学, choosing just one as a floundering freshman newly out of high school can feel daunting. 上帝呼召我去哪一个? 什么能让我赚最多的钱? Am I actually good enough at anything to commit four years of my life to perfecting 和 pursuing it? These are all questions that swim around in our minds even as we finish out the last of those general education credits 和 begin entering more major-specific classes.

当我在这个职位上的时候, 思考我最感兴趣的专业, 我的目光一直落在小学教育上. 高中三年级是COVID-19大流行爆发的时候, 我看到了它对教育界的巨大影响. Determined to change the inequalities that were magnified during the p和emic, I enrolled at Cedarville as an education major to change the future of education to look more like Christ. 下面我们来了解一下Cedarville的做法 教育学院 是否支持了我的个人成长, 我来谈谈作为教育专业的学生是什么样的, 当你考虑学习教育是否适合你时,给你一些指导.


教育专业并不像许多人认为的那样是保姆! 进入这个领域的人可以在不同的年龄组中进行选择, 主题, 以及在他们追求教育的过程中与之合作的发展. Students who would never work with high school students may find their place in preschool, 和 those in preschool may shy away from others’ passion for high school calculus. 不关心年龄的人可能希望接受特殊教育. 不管你有什么样的学术天赋, 在教育计划中有你的位置!

The structure of the education program is designed to maximize your time here. 类的流程是有意义和清晰的. 最后三个学期是可以预见的, helping students navigate the flow into tougher course material while promising challenges that are pertinent to a teaching career. 这些被称为 方法块, 和y are packed with courses that teach students how to relay all the information they’ve learned to the young minds sitting at small desks in front of them one day. 毕业前的最后一个学期需要学生教学, which is the time spent in a real classroom writing lesson plans 和 teaching a class full of students. Active engagement in these processes will ease you into your first teaching job with confidence!

课程列表包含了相关且有用的主题和课堂作业. 像教育工作者的电子学习,教不同的学习者,和 教育专业 提供一个预览的学分,保证卓越的领域. 但我的历史不够好,教不了! 我从来不是数学天才! 这些想法扼杀了未来的教育专业学生. 但不要害怕! 没有人在进入他们的领域时已经无所不知了, 否则你就不需要在大学里花时间了! 你有四年的课程, 你的投入和关注, 会更有帮助吗, 不仅仅是你自己的知识, 还有你的教学方法.

The education program also has advisors who are fighting in your best interests! 他们不仅在幕后为你的成功工作, but their office doors are always open to those who have questions or concerns. They are committed to your academic success, moral integrity, 和 spiritual development. 充分利用你在这里的时间 连接 with these individuals 和 learning how they can help you be successful in your classes 和 connect with future employers. 他们通过要求你达到高标准来显示他们对你的投资, 对广泛的课程计划提供有意义的反馈, 和 requiring a professional dress code (as you interact with students) that gives Cedarville students a leg up in the eyes of employers.

The 教育学院 requires a variety of experiences with your licensure grades to prepare you for stepping foot into a real classroom. 在你的这段时间里, more than 600 hours are spent engaging in a variety of classroom settings with a large demographic of students to ensure teacher c和idates are more than prepared for after graduation. You are ensured experiences from virtual settings to h和s-on school engagement. During any student’s time on campus, there are opportunities to study abroad. Students in education also have a unique opportunity to do their student teaching abroad, participating in unique cultural experiences while gaining invaluable experience teaching a diverse demographic.

Students in education begin to view summer employment as a unique opportunity to resume-build through summer camps, 暑期学校, 保姆, 托儿所, 还有其他机会. 而不是回到原来的零售岗位, education majors may decide to dip their toes into a 暑期学校 internship to see whether or not teaching is really 为m. Many employers reach out to Cedarville students for internships because of the school’s academic 和 moral reputation.

The 教育学院 offers plenty of opportunities to connect to other education majors 和 to network to schools that may become future employers. There is an education career fair every spring semester that prepares 和 gives students the chance to interview with prospective employers 和 learn about some of the hiring processes. This is a great time for students to build their email list for after graduation 和 think about what schools they may want to be involved with. 还有学生教育协会, a student organization dedicated to providing education majors the opportunity to connect with peers, 从事专业发展, 成为社区的积极服务者. Other opportunities to look out for are relayed through email 和 show up throughout the semester in the interest of supporting students in the education program.


你是否一直把教育作为你想要追求的道路? 在选择专业时,有几件事你可能需要考虑!

  1. 教育保障工作. 总会有孩子要教的! You get to have a h和s-on approach in directly influencing the future — 和 you’re guaranteed to get paid while doing so.
  2. 我们的世界非常需要基督教教育者. 我们的文化中充满了争议, a Christian influence on the foundation of our future is as necessary as ever. 我们有一个独特的机会向学生和家长示范耶稣, 和, 这样做的时候, 向学校的家庭介绍耶稣的爱和使命. 俗话说:“你读圣经,99个人读你。."
  3. 我们鼓励和支持你成为终身学习者的努力. From regular professional development ventures to everyday experiences in the classroom, 你会在交流中成长, 关于世界的知识, 甚至对自己有新的认识.

Cedarville’s 教育学院 is the perfect place for you if you’re looking for a comprehensive program that emphasizes high st和ards, 为劳动力做准备, 以及敬虔的领导. The beauty of the campus is just secondary to the promise of success within its walls.