One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Professor lectures in Cedarville's stock room


The School of Business Administration at Cedarville University has established an internship program for students majoring in business. It is our goal to encourage students to be involved with internship experiences.

The internship program provides our advanced business majors an off-campus learning experience in the business world so they might:

  1. relate academic work with their career objectives
  2. develop networks with practicing business professionals
  3. develop relationships with potential employers
  4. explore the role of the Christian in the world of business

The assignment of an internship is an academic honor granted by the School of Business Administration. Students wishing to participate should fill out and return an internship application to the Internship Coordinator. The Internship Coordinator will discuss the evaluations of the student's work and his potential as an intern with appropriate faculty members within the related discipline. These evaluations, along with a resume of the student's personal, educational, experience background, and transcript will be made available to participating employers. A student will be appointed to an internship with a firm only after a mutual agreement among the firm, the student, the Internship Coordinator and the School of Business Administration has been established.

Only full-time juniors and seniors majoring in the School of Business Administration at Cedarville University will be eligible to participate in this for-credit internship program. The student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.7 to be eligible. Each student must have the principle courses plus an additional six hours in his or her major area of study. The following disciplines will offer an internship program: accounting, economics, finance, management, information technology management, and marketing.

A student may earn up to 12 semester hours working on an internship during the summer or the regular fifteen weeks of an academic semester. Generally, one credit hour will be granted for each 60 hours of full-time service with the participating firm. Credit will be given on a Credit/No Credit basis.

While it is assumed that most interns will be paid, the compensation for the intern will vary at the discretion of the participating firm.

Please contact Dr. Jeff Guernsey with any questions.

Employers interested in establishing an internship with Cedarville University Business majors, please contact the Internship Coordinator.

SBA Internship Coordinator
Dr. Jeff Guernsey