One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BS or BA in Chemistry Degree

Why Study Chemistry at Cedarville?

Cedarville offers two degrees in chemistry, both taught from a biblical worldview: a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science.

  • The BA in chemistry will prepare you for careers in health professions, 技术商业专业, and other science-related vocations.
  • The BS in chemistry will prepare you for graduate study in chemistry and for careers in 行业 or research. You will receive training in each of the primary areas of chemistry with the necessary support in mathematics, 物理, 和生物学.

随便你选哪个, you will see science as a means to understand creation and its Creator and discover how you can use your chosen vocation to glorify God.

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圣经 — You will learn how chemistry and Scripture intersect through courses that integrate the Bible and recognize God’s Word as the ultimate source of truth.

最先进的 — You will learn in seven state-of-the-art, newly constructed chemistry laboratories and receive hands-on training on modern equipment used in the field of chemistry. Dedicated space and easy access to analytical instruments allow students to work on independent research projects.

可定制的 — You can customize your chemistry degree by choosing a specialized program. Adding a customized focus allows you to go deeper in your areas of interest, which will give you an edge in graduate — or medical — 学校,或者你的职业. You can choose to focus on agriculture, 医学预科的, or one of our prehealth specializations (predental, preoptometric, preosteopathic, prephysical疗法, prephysician助理, 或preveterinary).

What Can You Do With a Chemistry Degree?

毕业后, Cedarville students experience outstanding success in entering graduate schools and pursuing exciting careers in science, 行业, 政府, 和教育.

You will find Cedarville graduates studying at prestigious universities such as:

  • 普渡大学
  • 俄亥俄州立大学
  • 布法罗大学
  • 密歇根大学
  • 田纳西大学
  • 范德比尔特大学


We’re proud of our successful graduates! 98.1% of recent graduates from the School of Science and Mathematics were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

学生组织 — Student organizations allow you to meet with like-minded fellow students and professionals.

  • 化学俱乐部 — An American Chemical Society student chapter that brings students with a passion for chemistry together for networking and community outreach.
  • Chi Theta Pi — A student-run organization designed for networking among Cedarville students studying to enter medical and dental school.


Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you will take a strong chemistry core. On top of the core chemistry curriculum, you will engage in research projects with professors and take electives such as Environmental Chemistry and other 特别的主题.

这个专业提供加速课程 本科's-to-master的途径 for students interested in completing their MBA.


  • 化学研究方法
  • 热力学与动力学

Program Format and 相关的项目

Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.





Nate Hnatiuk的照片

Nate Hnatiuk博士

Director, Chemistry and 法医科学 Programs, Professor of Chemistry


Geoff Holloway的照片













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